Clarifications about the QR code of the Simplified Tax Invoice – KSA

Clarifications about the QR code of the Simplified Tax Invoice – KSA

According to the guidelines of ZATCA, the QR code must be encoded using Base64 format. Thus the codes that will be generated on the invoices won’t be readable using the traditiona QR scanners available on the Android and iPhone Apps.

In this article we will provide more details about how to test the QR code generated from your system to ensure that it is compatible with the guidleines.

ZATCA  is intending to release an update for its App, and it will contain a feature to allow the user to scan and read the QR code.

Until this App is released, any company can check its generated code using the following steps:
1- Print your invoice and scan the QR code using any ordinary QR scanner
2- If the results contains any readable text; then THIS CODE IS INVALID
3- The generated text should look like the image appearing on top of the page
4- Copy the generated text and try a free service to convert the BASE64 code to
 readable text. For example you can use this website:
5- The resulting text must include the following information:
  • Your company name
  • Your VAT number
  • Invoice date and time
  • Invoice total amount
  • VAT amount

For more information about the compliance with the electronic invoices rules and regulations, feel free to contact our hotline: 00201003176331

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